A. Human Trafficking Awareness:
This presentation covers the basics of recognizing signs of human trafficking. Topics include what trafficking is and isn't, myths, traffickers and controlling techniques, victims and challenges in dealing with victims, and what to do to pass on information related to trafficking incidents.
Ray Fiedler, Coordinator, Iowa Office to Combat Human Trafficking
B. Race & Wrongful Convictions (Innocence Project):
An overview of the causes of wrongful convictions with an emphasis on the role race plays in our criminal justice system and bias.
Erica Nichols Cook, Director, Wrongful Conviction Division & Wrongful Convictions Clinic,
Iowa State Public Defender; Drake Legal Clinic
D. Crisis Advocacy Response Team (C.A.R.E.):
Polk County, Broadlawns, and the City of Des Moines have joined together to support, create, and implement an innovative new crisis response program in Des Moines. The Crisis Advocacy Response Effort (CARE) incorporates non-law enforcement response, specialized staff for responding to children in crisis, mental health issues, and complete diversion from field response. This workshop will review crisis response models in the past, present, and what the future may look like.
Mobile Crisis Response Team and Crisis Advocacy Response Effort Leads - Sergeant Lorna Garcia,
Des Moines Police & Jennifer Sundquist, Broadlawns