1A Thriving After Incarceration: Justice impacted individuals share their stories of navigating the reentry process and achieving success. They’ll share key tools that worked for them; the barriers they had to overcome as they rebuilt their lives; and how they are reaching back to help other returning citizens and their communities. Moderator: Kameron Middlebrooks, Reform Alliance Panelist: Charles Clayton, Founder & CEO, Athletes for Education and Success and Founder of Iowa Reentry Coalition; Damonte Stogner, Owner, Coffee for a Cause; Michele Feltes, Momentum Director & Co-Founder, One City United
1B Juvenile Justice Support: Expert Guidance for Frontline Professionals and Advocates: Educators, Juvenile Court Officers, Social Workers gather here. If you are seeking insights on juvenile justice law and best practices, this highly sought after attorney and former head of the Iowa Department of Human Services literally wrote the book on it. Join him for an insight-filled presentation that will move your work with youth forward. Jerry Foxhoven, author of Juvenile Delinquency Law and Procedure and former Executive Director of the Neal & Bea Smith Legal Clinic and Professor of Law at Drake Law School
1C Polk County Coordinating Council, A Regional Model in Law Enforcement: See how Polk County brings County Supervisors, Judges, Law Enforcement, Department of Corrections and Community Advocates together to form of the Polk County, Iowa Criminal Justice Coordinating Council with the purpose of improving justice for residents. Hear of its success, its purpose, accomplishments, and future goals. - Jerry Evans, Coordinator of the Polk County Iowa CJCC
1D Evaluation by Race of Policing In Des Moines: The recent prominence of the BLM movement has spurred critical examination of policing. Our research focuses on cleaning and analyzing traffic citations and bookings data from 2016 to 2022 for the Des Moines Police Department. We aim to uncover racial disparities within traffic arrests and citations, exploring the correlation between census block demographics and policing levels, as well as the relationship between charges/citations and the race of individuals involved. Hanmo Jing, Maria Rodriguez, and Dr. Eric Autry, Grinnell College
1E Are the Juries in Your County Racially Representative? Learn How to Read Iowa’s Jury Data & Compare to Jury-Eligible Census Data. The Iowa Court System’s jury demographic data, with its County-by-County breakdown by race and ethnicity, and the Iowa Data Center’s county-by-county demographic breakdown of Census jury-eligible population are the Nation’s gold standard and are publicly available. Learn how to access and interpret the data so you can determine whether your county’s juries are as diverse as the Constitution requires. Russell Lovell, Jr. and David Walker, Co-Chairs, NAACP Iowa-Nebraska, NAACP Des Moines Legal Redress Committee, Retd. Drake Law Professor and Dean